Saturday, December 24, 2011

Ants: Menace to society

Anyone who knows me knows I suffer from a mild to moderate phobia of ants. It doesn't consume my life completely, but it has a strong hold on me, especially in the spring and summer months. It is a gripping fear which influences my decisions on footwear, outdoor excursions, and other things. I am somewhat obsessive about ant poisons (shout out to Amdro Ant Block for being the greatest product of all time. OF ALL TIME.)
I was just writing an email about my fear of ants and how much I hate them. I recalled an incident from childhood and wonder now if this was the event that created The Fear.
I was probably 7 or 8 years old. Carefree.
I was playing in my backyard, a supposedly safe place. I had a swing set with attached slide. I was climbing up the slide ladder when I spied an at at the top of my slide. More annoyed than fearful, I flicked it away. Callously, carelessly. I continued my ascent towards the top of my slide.
When I arrived at the top, I sat down, ready for a super fun trip back to the ground.
Instead, a black ant, suspiciously similar to the one I had recently flicked away, came running up to me and bit my hand. I was shocked. Was this the same ant I had just battered? Was it one of his friends out for vengeance? I'll never know. But I know I have hated ants for as long as I can remember.
And I always will.

There are many things I hate about ants. Their legs, their bodies, their faces. I hate how they travel with their posse at all times. They have no qualms about showing up at your house with their entire family, and making themselves right at home. "Oh hi, we're in your kitchen drinking the water out of your sponge. Hope that's cool."
They have no fear of humans. An ant will come right up to you, look you dead in the eye, thump its own chest and be like "And whut? Whutchu goin' do?" They don't care. Any other insect will crawl/fly away. An ant will pull a switchblade on you in a heartbeat. Do not be fooled by movies and programs that attempt to make ants loveable or even "cute" (A Bug's Life, ANTZ, Ms. Spider's Sunny Patch Friends.) This is crap and propaganda. Ants are not cute, they are vicious and heartless. They do not have souls.

do not be fooled by this. ants are not cute, they are not capable of smiling, and they are not your friends. they will eat you alive if given the chance.

Want to know the scariest thing about ants? they can bite over, and over, and over again, and nothing happens to them. a bee, if it stings you, is going to die. they commit one act of revenge or self-defense, and then they die. a spider? a spider is not going to mess with you unless you make it fear for its life. it doesn't bite purely to be a bastard, it bites for a reason.
ants? they bite just because. they're crawling across your leg? "oh, let's randomly bite this person for no reason. they didn't do anything to me, but I'm going to bite because I'm an ant" Ants are jerks. AMDRO ANT BLOCK FOR LIFE.

I leave you now with some original art work. I know, I know, raw talent....should be in a gallery....hear it all the time....but I do it for the art. And the hatred of ants.

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