Sunday, June 19, 2011

A few links for writing help

In an attempt to become a better writer, I've found some help:


When I feel stuck, I will more than likely pull a prompt from one of these sites. Just wanted to put them in here so I can access them easily while writing, and in case somebody happens to be reading this and has trouble coming up with ideas at times, like me.

I realize that the last link is intended for school-age children, but some of the questions on there could be applied to adults.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

recent photos...

Considering the last batch of photos I posted on here are over two years old, I felt like I should include a few newer ones.

Zoo trip 2011:

Our 2nd cat, Bridget, who we adopted in August 2010. Mittens was a little upset at first, but now they are best friends (most of the time).

Boring update

I have spent the last 4 or so years getting my life together.
I have put behind me my late teenage years and early twenties. I have put away dreams of traveling the world. My priorities are firmly in place. I bought a house as I have mentioned here before. I have owned not one, not two, but three cars in my short lifetime. I have reached a hallmark of Grown Up life by purchasing a lawn mower and actually being excited about that.

I'm a mother to my own child and surrogate-for-the-day "mother" to ten little boys and girls every day at work. It is stressful at times, but I enjoy them, sometimes it is the kids who make me feel like maybe I am worth something after all. I am able to get out of bed and go to work. I am able to smile and laugh. I play pretend that everything is fine, and sometimes it really is.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I haven't forgotten about this blog, but stopped updating it for no reason. So, two years later, here is a recaplet:

I am still at the job I switched to mentioned in the previous post.
Courtney is going to turn FOUR in August.
I have yet-another "new" vehicle. The Catera I mentioned in my last post turned out to be a bomb, with problem after problem. I drove it a couple years before I was finally able to sell it and get a Jeep Cherokee.
I am still in the house I bought of course.

Things have been going relatively well, with some issues that I do not feel like mentioning at the moment, but everything is OK.

Courtney is, as always, fantastic. She's a great kid. Very bright, funny, kind, opinionated. She's awesome, I'm extremely proud of her.